What is Tissue Culture?
How does Huas Tissue Culture Center go about turning one plant with the desired characteristics into tens of thousands of identical plants in as fast as one year? Through its patented tissue culture protocols that it has developed over its twenty years in business.
Tissue culture is a process that involves exposing plant tissue to a specific regimen of nutrients, hormones, and light under sterile, in vitro conditions to produce many new plants, each a clone of the original mother plant, over a very short period of time. Huas Tissue Culture Center's tissue culture plants are characterised by disease free growth, a more fibrous, healthier root system, a bushier branching habit, and a higher survival rate.
There are three main steps to the tissue culture process:

STAGE I is the initiation phase. It concerns the establishment of plant tissue in vitro by sterilising the material and initiating it into culture.

STAGE II is the multiplication phase. At this stage, the in vitro plant material is re-divided and placed in a medium with plant growth regulators that induce the proliferation of multiple shoots. This process is repeated many times until the number of plants desired is reached.

STAGE III is the root formation phase. It involves the introduction of hormones to induce rooting and the formation of complete plantlets.

Following these three stages, the plants are then moved from the laboratory to the greenhouses for acclimatisation and further development.
> When Can Tissue Culture Help With Your Growing Needs?